1 itzali
du/ad.1.a. ( sua) to put out, extinguish; ostikoka \itzali to stamp outb. ( kandela) to snuff (out), put out, blow outc. ( kriseilua) to blow out, put out2.a. ( argi elektrikoa) to turn off, switch offb. ( irratia, telebista, elektratresna) to turn off3.a. ( soinua) to silence, muffle, deaden; trumoia \itzali to muffle the thunderb. Mus. to mute, damp4. ( gertakaria, e.a.) to cast a shadow on5. ( itzalgabetu) to obscure6. ( bistatik desagertu) to vanish; hodeietan \itzali zen ilargia the moon vanished into the clouds7. (irud.)a. to snuff off; hizkuntza bat \itzali to snuff a language outb. ( egarria) to quenchc. ( haserrea) to placate; Jainkoaren haserrea obra onekin \itzali nahi zuen he wanted to placate the wrath of God with good works da/ad.1.a. ( sua) to go outb. ( argia) to go out, be put outc. ( ilintia, ikazbizia) to go oute. ( eguzkia) to go downf. (irud.) ia \itzali da ene begien dirdira the dazzle in my eyes has almost gone away2. ( soinua) to die away, cease -
2 galdu
io.1.a. ( oro.) lost; e-r \galdutzat hartu to give sth up for lost; \galdu gordean i. on the verge of being lost ii. ( noraezean) drifting; \galduan gelditu to wind up the loser ; "Paradisu G\galdua" "Paradise Lost"b. ( p., moral aldetik) perverse, depraved, corrupt; emakume \galdu shady lady; mundu \galdu honetan in this perverse world2. ( drogazalea, mozkortia, e.a.) incorrigible, hopeless du/ad.1.a. to lose; \galduta dago it's lost; itxaropena galdu to lose hope ; ondasuna eta osasuna \galdu zuen he lost his wealth and healthb. ( beso, hanka, e.a.) to lose; besoa \galdu zuen he lost an arm; bizia galtzeko arriskuan dabil he's risking his life; hogei kilo \galdu zituen lau hilabetetan he lost twenty kilos in four monthsc. ( ikusmena, entzumena) to losed. ( senarra, umea) to lose2.a. ( behar bezala ez baliatu) to waste; astirik \galdu gabe without wasting time; aukera ederra \galdu zuten they missed a golden opportunity ; ez dago denborarik galtzeko there's no time to loseb. ( ez hartu) to miss; autobusa \galdu zuen he missed the bus ; astakeria izango litzateke aukera eder hau galtzea it would be stupid to {miss || pass up} this stupendous opportunity3. ( suntsitu) to ruin, spoil; erru horrek \galdu zuen that mistake ruined him; ardoak \galdu gintuen wine was our ruin | wine ruined us ; oi harrokeria, zenbat \galdu dituzun! o pride, you have ruined so many!4. ( garaitua izan, ez lortu)a. to lose apustua \galdu to lose a bet; miloika euro \galdu zuen jokoan he gambled away millions of eurosb. Kir. lau eta huts \galdu zuten they lost four to nothing5. txakurren beldurra \galdu behar duzu you've got to get over your fear of dogs da/ad.1. [-(r)i] to lose; giltzak \galdu zaizkit I'll lost my keys2. ( bidetik at gelditu) to get lost; bidean \galdu ziren they got lost along the way; \galduak goazela ikusirik seeing that we were lost; laberintoan \galdua lost in the labyrinth3. ( desagertu, suntsitu) to be lost; gure arraza ez dadin gal so that our race won't be lost; begien bistatik zeharo \galdu zen arte until he dropped completely out of sight4. ( txartu, suntsitu) to be lostb. ( esnea, e.a.) to go bad, go off (GB)c. Naut. to sink, be lost
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